TTDD 2024 The Bayley-Hazen Invasion (Thu-Sat)



Distance: approx 185 miles
Tires: 90/10
Pavement/Dirt: 50/50
Difficulty: Easy
Return Time: 3:00pm
*Passenger friendly ride

A scenic ride on ridge tops, past lakes and villages, and through deep, green valleys along a famous and ancient military road. Designed by Jesse Pacht, lead guide and local expert.

Join us for a scenic ride along this famous northern Vermont military road. You’ll ride across ridge tops, past lakes and villages, and through deep, green valleys. Along the way, your guides will entertain and inform you about the amazing story behind the ancient Bayley-Hazen Military Road. There are plenty of monuments, markers, cemeteries and picture opportunities along this route. Just before lunch, you’ll ride over the Hazen Notch Road winding through Hazen State Forest. If this road could talk…

Lunch will be at a rustic inn and lodge in Montgomery, VT.

This easy route is 50/50 paved/dirt roads, suitable for 2-up, 90/10 tires suitable for riding on well maintained dirt and gravel roads. There is one short section of possibly muddy and rocky road that is easily bypassed and one short, loose decline.